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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bogor Botanical Gardens

A sunny sunday morning Mr. Hasyim duties cleanig the garden in the area of bogor botanical gardens, not usual this time he was in the surprise with the discovery of  Amorphophallus titanum buds Becc, Or corpse flower that ordinary lay people call it. He was immadiately reported to the management of collections of rare flowers and hope the bogor botanical gardens re-flowering imagine, this is spectaculars flower gift for visitors who are on vacation, so do not waste them comes from afar to the Bogor Botanical Gardens.
Carrion flower collections exploration results from Tatang Daradjat cs, done in mid October 2009 with 5 pieces of tuber. Of the five A titanium was first flowering on January, 8, 2010, then came the 2nd flower bud on July 3, 2011. Corpse flower, which became the pride of Bogor Botanical Gardens Collection is derived from the river air Payang, Bantunan Village, District Pajar Month Lahat regency, South Sumatra and is the member of the tribe Araceae (taro-talasan).
In Indonesia there are 25 species of Amorphophallus, including 18 endemic species (only grow and there in certain areas and not found elsewhere). These clans are scattered in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. A. Collection titanum was first planted in the Bogor Botanical Gardens in 1920.
A. titanum different from other plants, generally consisting of a process in which there is only the stems and leaves (vegetative phase) and then phase dormant (sleeping, collecting energy bulbs) and then followed by a period of flowering, or generative phase. Process until the buds bloom usually takes  ± 2 months, the flowers bloom only 2-3 days and then gradually wither. Corpse flower bloom is usually at night between the hours of 8 â € "10.
A. titanum are primitive plants that flower both female and male flowers naked (open). Female flowers and male flowers present in the cob, which is the female flower arrangement, amounting to tens to hundreds of fruit would be at the bottom, while the male flowers are also tens to hundreds of fruit arranged on top of the female flower. Although located in one ear but the male flower can not fertilize the female flowers as the female flowers mature first. After the receptive female flowers is over, then the male flowers mature. Therefore it takes two almost simultaneous flowering plants to produce fruit
Phase Dorman.
When the female flowers are ripe then the cobs would smoke, this occurs because the temperature difference of hot and cold temperatures outside interest. Similarly, the male flowers, male flowers are cooked remove pollen (pollen). Antique female flowers are ripe to remove the mucus and the unpleasant smell that invites flies or other insects to alight and trapped inside the sheath, if there has been such a process will stink like a dead rat too spread out. After a while sheath opened slightly so that flies or insects could enter, his body would touch the pollen because then turn the male flowers are mature. Insects that have already integrated the pollen may be landed back on other flowers, so that fertilization can occur.
After the flower wilt then A.titanium into a long dormant  ± 3 - 12 months, the the process begins with the release of vegetative stems and leaves  ± 1-2 years,  dormant again, as happened several times that could take several years, then reappeared flower buds. The emergence of one of the next flower to flower can reach 3 or 4 years even more depending of the situation of the environment that support it A. titanium generally grow in their natural habitat on the slopes near the creek.


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